Our practice provides expert evaluation and consultation services. We have been appointed to over 1500 cases since 2015. We provided expert testimony on a range of psychological and neurodevelopmental disorders and mental health concepts, notably including PTSD, autism spectrum disorders, adolescent brain development, and adverse childhood experiences.
Forensic evaluations are typically evaluations ordered by the court or requested by an attorney (or other legal decision-maker) to answer a psycho-legal question. Referral questions either pertain to criminal cases (e.g., competency to stand trial, sanity, mitigating factors to the alleged offense, suitability for diversion, etc.) or civil cases (public safety employment suitability, worker compensation, emotional distress, etc.). The referral question is clarified and determined between the legal decision-maker and the forensic psychologist before the evaluation starts.
Our approach to such an evaluation is to utilize multiple sources of information. We will conduct a comprehensive record review, obtain collateral information/interviews, administer psychological testing using actuarial instruments (if warranted), assess for effort or motivation to perform, and integrate the findings into an articulate, objective, data-driven, and relevancy-based report.
Our forensic psychologists have served as expert witnesses for the courts and legal decision-makers across a variety of settings. Plaintiff and Defense retain us in approximately equal proportions.
Our practice conducts the following types of forensic evaluations:
Adult Criminal Cases
- Criminal Responsibility/Insanity
- Competencies to Stand Trial
- Mental Health Diversion
- Sentence Mitigation
- Resentencing
Juvenile Delinquency
- General 730 (Diagnostic and Treatment Recommendations)
- Competency to Stand Trial
- Franklin/Miller
- Transfer (Waiver)
- Testamentary Capacity (e.g., ability to make a valid will)
- Contractual Capacity (e.g., ability to sign a contract to buy a car, house, etc.)
- Medical Decision Capacity (e.g., ability to have informed consent and make decisions regarding treatment)
Police and Public Safety Evaluations
To learn more about our forensic evaluations, contact our office at (626) 709-3494 or support@vpg-corp.com.