One of the largest parent concerns is that their child has ADHD. This may be because parents may hear from teachers or sports coaches that their child has difficulty sitting still, paying attention, or acting impulsively. However, a thorough evaluation is needed to rule out other potential and competing etiologies that may give rise to the symptoms mentioned above.
ADHD is one of the most common disorders of attention in childhood. The United States Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention showed that 6.4 million children aged 4 to 17 met the diagnostic criteria for ADHD.
Common Symptoms Include:
- Inattentiveness
- Fidgety
- Find it hard to wait
- Restless and easily bored
- Seem absent-minded
- May not listen well to directions
- May miss important details and not finish what they start
- Rushing through things and making careless mistakes
- Acting in ways that disrupt others
- Act before thinking
- Having emotional reactions that seem too intense for the situation
For adults with undiagnosed ADHD, symptoms generally begin in childhood and may not have been diagnosed or treated. If you have undiagnosed ADHD, you may likely have performed poorly while in school due to difficulty concentrating and prioritizing your time. These traits carry over into your current adult life, impacting your employment (work performance) and social interactions. As a result, you may feel restless, be a tad bit risk-taking, and have difficulties in listening and communication skills.
An ADHD assessment administered by one of our clinicians at Vienna Psychological Group, Inc. will involve a thorough interview process of you or your child, family member(s), and teachers (if applicable). Clinicians will also use behavioral observations, ADHD inventories, and other cognitive measures to gather data on which to base a possible ADHD diagnosis.
Contact Vienna Psychological Group
Our services are available for legal proceedings, independent educational examinations, and concerned families and educators. The first step is to schedule a consultation and see how our team can best serve you.
Our Approach
Our evaluation will assess for neuropsychological factors that may be impacting the individual’s attention. It typically involves:
- Consultation with the client or parent of the child being assessed to gather more information on reasons why the evaluation is needed.
- A review of medical and mental health treatment records helps us have a better understanding of the client’s history of psychological/neuropsychological functioning.
- A collateral interview with the parent or family member to help us gather additional information about the individual’s general and psychological/neuropsychological background, behavior, responses to prior treatment, and timeline of when difficulties/problems began to occur.
- A clinical interview with the client.
- We will administer a battery of neuropsychological tests to objectively assess for mental health and neuropsychological symptoms and disorders.
- We will identify treatment recommendations and follow-up plans.
- We will meet with the client or parent to review and discuss findings.
Last, we will write a comprehensive report in simple language that integrates our findings and give it to the client or parent.
For more information, contact our office at (626) 709-3494 or support@vpg-corp.com.