Individuals with speech and language impairments have difficulty understanding what is being communicated to them or may have difficulty expressing themselves to others. It is broadly defined as a communication disorder and may be verbal, nonverbal, or written.
Data from the National Health Interview Survey in 2012 cited that approximately 55% of children aged 3–17 years who had any communication disorder received an intervention service during the past 12 months.
Data from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) in 2016 cited that between 6 and 8 million people in the United States have some form of language impairment.
Language Impairments may be:
- Expressive — difficulty expressing ideas or needs.
- Receptive — difficulty understanding what others are communicating.
- Mixed — a combination of expressive and receptive.
Symptoms of individuals with Language Impairments:
- Has limited vocabulary
- Difficulty communicating thoughts or needs with complexity
- Struggle to find the right words or even make correct sentences
- Difficulties understanding the meaning of words and sentences
- Have difficulty reading, writing, or spelling
- Problems understanding syntax
- Struggled with grammatical rules
- May have trouble with social aspects of language, such as taking turns in a conversation
Typically, language impairments/communication disorders are the results of a developmental issue. However, it can also be acquired through a neurological injury such as a seizure, stroke, or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Early intervention is key to improving your child’s quality of life or the individual who acquired the impairment. We can help by providing a thorough evaluation and developmentally appropriate treatment recommendation so that your child can thrive!
Contact Vienna Psychological Group
Our services are available for legal proceedings, independent educational examinations, and concerned families and educators. The first step is to schedule a consultation and see how our team can best serve you.
Our Approach
Our evaluation will assess for neuropsychological factors that may be impacting the individual’s language. It typically involves:
- Consultation with the client or parent of the child being assessed to gather more information on reasons why the evaluation is needed.
- A review of medical, mental health treatment, and school records. This will help us have a better understanding of the client’s history of psychological/neuropsychological functioning.
- A collateral interview with the parent or family member to help us gather additional information about the individual’s general and psychological/neuropsychological background, behavior, responses to prior treatment, and timeline of when difficulties/problems began to occur.
- A clinical interview with the client.
- We will administer a battery of neuropsychological tests to objectively assess for mental health and neuropsychological symptoms and disorders.
- We will identify treatment recommendations and follow-up plans.
- We will meet with the client or parent to review and discuss findings.
Last, we will write a comprehensive report in simple language that integrates our findings and give it to the client or parent.
For more information, contact our office at (626) 709-3494 or support@vpg-corp.com.