First, make sure to send back your intake forms to our office before your appointment. After you complete a consultation with one of our psychologists, our office administrative assistant emails out an invoice via QuickBooks so that you can pay your evaluation fee online. She will also send your intake packet via our HIPAA-compliant client portal “IntakeQ.” You can complete it online and electronically sign your consent form. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our office.
You will start your evaluation with a one-to-two-hour clinical interview where the psychologist will ask you questions about your background, including (but not limited to) your developmental, academic, vocational, psychiatric, psychosocial, and medical history. The psychologist will also inquire about your current emotional and cognitive functioning and ask you to discuss any type of problems or impairments that you may have experienced. If you experienced a head injury or decline in functioning at some point, the psychologist will want to know about your functioning before and after the event or decline. Clinical interviews are typically conducted on a separate day before the testing session of the evaluation. Clinical and collateral interviews (family, therapist, doctor, etc.) can be done via our HIPAA-compliant platform or in person.
Next, you will attend your testing session. These sessions range from two to five hours, depending on the issue being addressed. During your clinical interview, the psychologist will give you a better estimate of how long you should expect to spend in our office completing testing with our psychometricians (registered psychological associates). These are psychologists who are registered with the Board of Psychology and focus on administering neuropsychological tests in clinics and private practice. They are under supervision by a licensed psychologist in the practice. During your testing session, you should expect to complete various paper-pencil-style tests and questionnaires targeting the suspected area of impairment. Some of these measures are conducted via computer and iPad technology. Tests and questionnaires assess various cognitive and emotional abilities, such as fine motor and sensory skills, general intelligence, language skills, academics, executive functions (i.e., problem-solving, reasoning, attention, and concentration), learning, verbal and visual memory, and visual-spatial skills.
After the testing session is complete, the psychologist will score the tests. They will review the data in conjunction with any available records and information obtained during your clinical interview and that received from collateral interviews. Last, they will write a comprehensive report integrating the findings and detailing treatment recommendations or necessary accommodations. This part of the process usually takes about one to two weeks from your test session date.
The final part of the evaluation is to provide you with feedback about the test results, recommendations, and a written report. You will also have an opportunity to ask any questions about the process or findings. You will be scheduled for a one-hour feedback session one to two weeks after your testing session. This visit can be conducted via our HIPPA-compliant telehealth platform (i.e., Zoom or Teams) or in-office.